
The following online live workshops are open to any school, setting, team or individual that has purchased Verbo. They are suitable for any users including school staff (e.g. SENCos, teachers, support staff), nursery staff, speech and language therapists or other professionals who are supporting pupils to develop their communication skills.  Please sign up to any relevant sessions below. We look forward to seeing you there!

If you are not signed up to Verbo, you might like to try a Live Demo or a Free Trial Try Verbo – Verbo – A virtual speech and language toolkit for schools (

Every Wednesday 12 -12.30pm

Verbo Live Q & A

Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will answer any questions you may have about the Verbo platform or supporting your pupils with their communication skills.

Tuesday 14th January 1.30 - 2pm

Exploring whole-class interventions

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 

Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will explore a range of whole class activities.  We will discuss ways of embedding communication activities and strategies into your daily practice.

Friday 17th January 1.15 - 1.45pm

Getting started with Verbo

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 


Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will demonstrate how to:

– add staff

– add pupils

– complete a screener


We will also discuss ideas of how to share Verbo with your staff teams and answer any questions you may have.


Monday 20th January 10 - 10.30am

Getting started with Verbo

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 


Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will demonstrate how to:

– add staff

– add pupils

– complete a screener


We will also discuss ideas of how to share Verbo with your staff teams and answer any questions you may have.

Wednesday 22nd January 3 - 3.30pm

Calling all Speech and Language Therapists

This Workshop is for Speech and Language Therapists/ Assistants.  


Join one of our speech and language therapists for a 30 minute live demo of the platform. See Verbo in action and have the opportunity to ask questions about how it can be used to compliment face to face SaLT.

Tuesday 28th January 11 -11.30am

Exploring Secondary School and post-16 content

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 

Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will explore a range of content available for secondary aged and post-16 pupils, including small group activities and whole class activities.  We will discuss ways of embedding communication activities and strategies into your daily practice.

Wednesday 29th January 4 - 4.30pm

Selecting, working on and monitoring pupil’s targets

Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will demonstrate how to:

– select targets

– choose activities for those targets

– monitor targets


We will also discuss ways to effectively work on targets in your settings e.g. which target areas to select first, how long to spend on targets, the format of your activities (individual, small group, whole class).

Friday 31st January 8.10 - 8.40am

Exploring Primary School Content

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 


Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will explore a range of content available for primary aged pupils, including small group activities and whole class activities.  We will discuss ways of embedding communication activities and strategies into your daily practice.

Tuesday 4th February 11 - 11.30am

Exploring Early Years content

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 

Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will explore a range of content available for early years aged pupils, including small group activities and whole class activities.  We will discuss ways of embedding communication activities and strategies into your daily practice.

Thursday 13th February 12 - 12.30pm

Supporting parents to use Verbo

This Workshop is for Education Staff who have a Verbo subscription. 


Join a live workshop with one of our speech and language therapists where we will demonstrate how to create an account for targeted pupil’s parents. We will also discuss ways you  can help parents to support their child’s communication skills.


Verbo is powered by NHS professionals